[115]棋靈王 OP2 專輯 I'll be the one[320K]
http://pic.qnpic.com:83/r.jsp?fn=//qiannao/share/2012/6/2/c53ca1909fa002dfc20c1210.L.jpg【專輯名稱】:I'll be the one
1. H∧L - I’ll be the one
2. H∧L - KOKORO~inwardly~
3. H∧L - I’ll be the one(TURBO’S SIGMA MIX)
4. H∧L - I’ll be the one(BADATTITUDE MIX)
5. H∧L - I’ll be the one(HAL’s MIX 2002)
6. H∧L - I’ll be the one(TV MIX)
7. H∧L - KOKORO~inwardly~(TV MIX) 謝謝分享